Our Services for Residents in Eastern Washington State
It’s the various services we offer at Coventry House Assisted Living that encourage so many residents and their loved ones to choose our facility. Situated in the stunning agricultural community of Othello, Washington, we provide secure housing for residents with various needs, aiding them with daily activities while also helping them maintain independence. Our assisted living services support residents from all across Eastern WA.
Our Assisted Living Services
Coventry House Assisted Living recognizes that a home is more than just a place to sleep at night. That’s why we emphasize additional services, which make living at our facility that much more enriching. The following services are included in the monthly rental fees:

Our compassionate and friendly staff is committed to providing residents with the best experience, working diligently to ensure all receive the services they need. They also foster a welcoming environment at Coventry House Assisted Living, making visits with family and friends more enjoyable and filling loved ones with peace of mind. Meet the team to learn more about their backgrounds and roles.
Please note: Personal phones are not included in covered utility costs.
Additional Amenities
Outside our basic services, we provide residents with extra perks to enhance their experience at Coventry House Assisted Living. You can take advantage of the following at our facility:
Coventry House Assisted Living also provides a unique experience outside the walls of the facility. You’ll find beautifully landscaped grounds and walkways around a tranquil pond. This landscape gives residents many opportunities to get outdoors for exercise or simply take in the fresh air, which can be monumental for overall health and wellness.
Why Choose Living Assistance Services?
Assisted living services are ideal for those who may need some support with daily needs but can otherwise live independently. For example, part of what distinguishes assisted living from nursing homes and similar facilities is that residents have their own rooms and more freedom to furnish the space according to their wishes. Some reasons a person may need assisted living include:
Coventry House Assisted Living provides accommodations designed to maximize your comfort and safety. If space allows, individuals may also seek Respite Care at our facility. Learn more about assisted living and our neighborhood of studio and one-bedroom apartments, senior condominiums, and single-family homes to determine if we’re the right fit for your needs.
Find Assisted Living Services in Eastern WA State
Find the assisted living services you or a loved one needs at Coventry House Assisted Living. We’re dedicated to helping residents live more independently, ensuring they can access the choices that make our community their home. Professionals interested in providing these services can explore our career opportunities to learn more about open positions and what makes a qualified candidate. Contact us today at 509-488-1000 for more information about living assistance services in Eastern WA.
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(509) 488-1000
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